Heavy rains pelted Manila on the day Arianne arrived in the Philippines.
It’s been a while since she last experienced this kind of weather.
Her heart was filled with warmth as she saw her family waiting for her in the airport.
She suddenly realized how much she missed them.

Arianne has been working as a nurse in the Middle East for several years now. She used to take a vacation in the Philippines every year.
However, the global health crisis refrained her from seeing her family for two years.
She was full of anticipation… it was time to spend quality time with them even for a short period of time.
Unmindful of fatigue and sleepless nights, she savored every moment sharing laughs, creating memories reconnecting with loved ones – families, relatives and list of friends from way back.
Top on the list was Tasia.
They had a sumptuous dinner – a Filipino dinner fiesta. Oh, how much Arianne missed the delectable Filipino foods.
As they were excitedly laughing, Tasia noticed Arianne’s hoarse voice. She casually mentioned it and Arianne dismissed it saying it might be due to sudden change of temperature. She left summer in the Middle East and arrived in the rainy Philippines.
Now, here’s Tasia, the ever-ready friend to the rescue. She carries Oleia Oil Peppermint with her everywhere she goes.
Great, too, that Oleia Oil has a travel-size bottle!
Without much fanfare, though, Tasia offered the oil to Arianne to be applied on the latter’s throat.
Then, on with the stories… and more stories… and more.
Non-stop talking, as if they had the whole place all to themselves.
After some time, it dawned on her! Arianne noticed that despite her talking and laughing, her throat started to soothe.
Tasia was delighted! She decided to give Arianne the whole Oleia bottle.
Tasia felt Arianne would need it to deal with future physical and psychological stress during the entire Philippine vacation and beyond.
It was such a short bonding time. And Tasia had a bus to catch.
Nevertheless, it was indeed a well-spent catch up.
For Arianne and Tasia, adulthood was way different from college life. But one thing didn’t change – their friendship.
Arianne and Tasia simply felt great that Oleia helped them talk more… connect more. Oleia helped them keep going.