Hilot is based on the art and science of the ancient Filipino healing traditions. It is grounded on the concept of balance among the physical elements along with the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a person.
According to the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care, this practice includes the use of manipulations and massages that help in the prevention of disease. Further, it helps in the restoration and maintenance of one’s health and well-being.

Growing up in the province, I’ve been exposed to hilot.
I remember the town “manghihilot” or Hilot therapist who used blessed oils from the church.
I witnessed the queues every Tuesday and Friday; people patiently waiting for their turn to be attended to. And the faces of relief after every hilot session.
The past few months have been a roller coaster ride for me. A series of negative stress, one after another. This brought me severe back and shoulder pains.
Good thing, I have Oleia Topical Oil. My therapist does home massage with Oleia to relieve the muscle stiffness. And yes, what a relief.
This scenario brings back those fond memories of “manghihilot” - seeing sick people relieved of their pain and discomfort. Now I know the feeling.
Oleia Topical Oil offers me a lot of choices.
Top on the list is Oleia Oil Peppermint. My favorite, minty oil blend that relaxes my stiff muscles.
The relaxing scent of Oleia Oil Lavender and Frankincense. Oh, heavenly, releases my emotional stress and anxiety.
Next is Oleia Oil Chamomile, also safe for children. Its mild relaxing scent soothes my tense body.
The lifting effect of Oleia Oil Tangerine boosts my mood and motivates me to go back to work the following day.
And of course, how can I forget Oleia Pure Oil? This reminds me so much of my childhood. It exudes no fragrance, yet it helps heal my body aches and pain. Highly recommended for pregnant women and babies with sensitive skin.
Innovations abound in therapy.
Oleia Topical Oil is the blended essential oil that can help both the manghihilot and the modern therapists effect the relaxing massage. Healing to some, Oleia as designed by the Filipino biochemist, can be a welcome addition to modern day hilot.
Enhanced with aromatherapy, Oleia massage sounds really inviting. Wanna try one?