Lavender Oil to the Rescue: A Natural Remedy for Psoriasis 🪻🌿

Lavender Oil to the Rescue: A Natural Remedy for Psoriasis 🪻🌿

Hey there! 😌



We’ve chatted about the benefits of lavender oil before, but I’ve recently come across a study done in 2020 about lavender oil and psoriasis that I just had to share with you. Let’s goooooo! 🤩



First off, psoriasis is this chronic skin condition that causes itchy, scaly patches. It usually pops up on places like elbows, knees, scalp, and trunk. It's one of those things that comes and goes, sometimes flaring up for weeks or months before calming down for a bit. 😑 The symptoms can be pretty uncomfortable, making it hard to sleep or even concentrate. It’s not just a physical thing; it can really mess with mental well-beings too. 🙈



What triggers these flare-ups? A bunch of stuff, really. Infections, skin injuries like cuts or burns, and even some medications can set it off. 💊 And let’s not forget stress, which seems to make everything worse, right? The good news is, while there’s no cure, there are treatments to help manage the symptoms. Lifestyle changes ofc and coping strategies can make a big difference too. 🤝



Now, here’s where things get interesting. As we know Lavender oil is great! We especially love 🪻Oleia Lavender Oil🪻 for not just its calming, stress reducing scent but also for its other ingredients that makes its magic. ✨ But guess what? It might also help with psoriasis! As I mentioned, a 2020 study suggested that lavender oil could reduce inflammation caused by psoriasis. Plus, since stress is a major trigger for flare-ups, the stress-relief benefits of lavender could be a double win. 🤩



So, how does lavender oil work its magic? It’s all about the anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. 🩹 The main components, linalool and linalyl acetate, have shown promise in reducing psoriasis symptoms. In an experiment with mice, lavender oil significantly improved the condition of their skin. They measured things like ear thickness and the severity of the psoriasis and found notable improvements with lavender oil. 🪻✨



So using lavender oil topically could potentially soothe those itchy, inflamed patches!! And since lavender is also known for its antimicrobial properties, it might help keep infections at bay too! Like whuuuuut 🤯



So maybe, if you’re dealing with psoriasis or know someone who is, it might be worth giving lavender oil a try---not just any lavender oil though, 😉 but the best formulation with lavender oil there is! 🪻Oleia Lavender Oil🪻 I love it, you love it, we all love it! And for good reason it seems 😝 Oh! and of course, keep up with any treatments the doctor has prescribed, we like mixing it up here too. 👨‍⚕️



That’s my little journey into the world of psoriasis and lavender oil. Who knew a simple plant could offer this much? Let’s keep exploring and finding natural ways to support our health, alongside Oleia, the possibilities are endless! ✨ Show me your bottle and I’ll show you mine? ‘Til next time! 😄



xo L



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