School is Cool!

School is Cool! - Oleia Oil

Finally, it’s here!  

Face-to-face class in most schools is now open in the Philippines.

This spells New environment… New adjustment…

Varied emotions abound - anxiety, nervousness, excitement, fun and mixed feelings… for  students, teachers, parents and guardians alike.

Jayron is an incoming Senior High School Student in a private school in their neighborhood.

He somehow feels different after the last three years of online classes.  Despite the many life challenges encountered, Jayron somehow feels ready for the new phase of school life.


Sickness in the family, death of a loved one, health restrictions, isolation, and the seemingly endless global confusion adversely affected his wellbeing. 


He sought refuge in online games which kept his thoughts away from all the sadness, worries and fears.  But not for long.

Good thing Jayron’s parents made time to let him talk about his feelings and thresh out his emotions.

He was able to rise above the challenges and got acquainted with the “new normal”.

His parents prepared him well: physically, psychologically, and socially.   Or so they thought…

The last weekend before school, anxiety crept in.

Jayron, not wanting to show he was anxious, spent his whole weekend playing online games.

On Sunday night, he had a splitting headache.  The pain radiated from his eyes.

Her mom knew how he felt.  Lovingly, she massaged his head area with Oleia Peppermint Oil.

Jayron felt somehow the headache was gone… but his eyes still felt sore.

His mom lulled him to sleep early to rest his eyes and be prepared for his first school day.


The following morning, Jayron woke up physically well… no more pain in the eyes… no headache.

Despite feeling nervous, he continued preparing for the day.

His mom sent him off with a tight hug when they arrived in the school.

An avid Oleia oil user, his mom tucked a 20-mL bottle of Oleia Lavender Oil in Jayron’s bag so that he could readily apply it to his pulse points whenever anxiety set in.

Jayron enjoyed the first day of school. He had fun meeting people face-to-face, people whom they met online.

Bye bye anxiety!


Today is the second day of school.  Jayron has never been this excited.

To him, school is cool.  Really cool…Oleia Peppermint  cool.

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