Reconsidering Knee Pain Relief: Beyond NSAIDs ❗💊

Reconsidering Knee Pain Relief: Beyond NSAIDs ❗💊

Hey there! 😶

So, I recently stumbled upon a study that left me aghast (aghast? 😝)—it suggested that long-term use of NSAIDs (like ibuprofen and naproxen) might actually worsen knee inflammation over time. WHAAAT? 😱 As someone who deals with knee pain, this got me thinking a lot. It’s like finding out that your trusted ally is secretly working for the enemy. The absolute betrayal!!! 🥷 Let me share with you what I found with key emphasis to those who are already battling arthritic pain. This I can say, has greatly changed my perspective on managing knee discomfort and I hope it gets you thinking on it too? Maybe? 😝


The study, presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), focused on participants with knee pain and osteoarthritis who had been using NSAIDs for at least a year. They were compared with others who didn’t use these drugs. All underwent MRIs of their knees at the start and after four years. 🧎 Shockingly, those on NSAIDs had worse joint inflammation and cartilage quality from the beginning, which deteriorated over time. 📉


A lot of us had always assumed that NSAIDs were reducing inflammation and easing pain effectively. But this study suggests otherwise. 🫣 It turns out that while NSAIDs might temporarily relieve pain, they could be exacerbating the underlying issue over the long haul.


Dr. Johanna Luitjens, the study’s lead author, pointed out that NSAIDs might not effectively combat the inflammation within the joint lining, known as synovitis. 🧐 Alternatively, by alleviating pain, these medications might inadvertently encourage us to be more active, potentially aggravating inflammation. Think doing that HIIT workout after drinking pain meds thinking that just because the pain is gone, things underneath is better too----it’s not. 🙈


So, where does this leave us? If you're like me—dealing with persistent knee pain—it might be time to reconsider our approach, something more holistic? As I mentioned before, I’ve been using Oleia Oil of different variants on my knees everyday to manage my knee discomfort and I saw marked improvements with it. 🤩 Weight management, physical therapy, and non-drug treatments are now on my radar too. It’s a bit daunting, sure, but also empowering to take control of my health in new, more unconventional ways. Maybe tackle that inflammation from the inside with Oleia Oral Softgels too? The possibilities with Oleia are endless! 🙌


I’m not suggesting we ditch NSAIDs altogether—after all, they do provide relief and are recommended by many healthcare professionals. In fact, a lot of healthcare professionals disagree with this study as it’s relatively new and needs more looking into. 🤔 But I’m still glad I know it, as it has definitely made me more cautious about relying on them long-term. It’s crucial to stay informed and discuss with our healthcare providers about the best ways to manage knee pain effectively and safely after all. 👩‍⚕️

What lifestyle changes are looking on trying to manage your arthritic pain? Maybe a little sprinkling of Oleia along the way too! ✨ Show me your bottle and I’ll show you mine? ‘Til next time! 😉

xo L




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