Small Steps to a Greener Life: Onwards to Better Health! ✊👩‍💻

Small Steps to a Greener Life: Onwards to Better Health! ✊👩‍💻

Hey there! 🍀



I’ve been trying to lead a cleaner, greener lifestyle lately. 🍃 As you know, I’m not that young anymore and I need to go for prevention, and let me tell you, it’s been a journey—full of tiny victories, some mishaps, and lots of learning. 🤓 I’m not aiming to become very strict and perfect with it, just making small changes that feel right for me. I thought I’d share what’s been working (and what’s still a work in progress) because, honestly, it’s been pretty fun and surprisingly easy to get started.



Let’s chat about the air in our homes. I didn’t realize until recently that indoor air can be polluted like outdoor air—who knew, right? I just assume it’s always clean and safe in my home, you know? 😝 I love my scented candles, but it turns out some of them aren’t so great for the air we breathe. Switching to beeswax candles scented with essential oils instead, and they’re just as cozy without the extra chemicals. They smell as amazing so I count it as a win! 🙌 It’s nice to let the rooms air out too, if you have the opportunity to do so, letting in some fresh air would do wonders. ✨



Cleaning was another area where I started making changes. I used to think that if a cleaner had a strong scent, it meant it was doing its job. 🙈 But after learning about all the chemicals in those products, I decided to try out some more natural options. Vinegar and baking soda have become my go-tos, and I’m kind of amazed at how well they work. The kitchen and bathroom are still sparkling, and it feels good knowing I’m not breathing in anything funky while I clean. 🍃



In the kitchen, I’ve also been rethinking my cookware. I swapped out my nonstick pans for cast iron and stainless steel. It felt like a big change at first, but now I’m really into it. Why you ask? It’s because of this chemical known as PFAs which is called the “forever chemical” that’s present in a lot of non-stick pans. 💀 I do cook a lot so I’m wanting to reduce my risks as much as I can. 😅



So, a thing about me is that I don’t know how to use a microwave, my mom’s not a fan of it so we’ve never had one in the house. 😝 I guess it’s a plus for me as I’ve never microwaved those plastic microwave-safe containers ubiquitous to take out and delivered food. After reading up on how heating plastic can cause chemicals to leech into what’s inside the container, I’m now quite relieved. If you do have a microwave at home, maybe put the food in a glass container before microwaving it instead? It’ll be a small change, hopefully with a big impact. 😄



Now onto beauty and skincare. 💄 I’ve always loved trying out different products, but I started paying more attention to the formulation and choose the ones with lesser questionable ingredients. 😝 It’s been a bit of a journey finding new favorites, but I’m getting there, and my skin is definitely thanking me for it. One of these favorites though has been my 🏳️Oleia Pure Oil 🏳️. It’s been fantastic for my skin and I’ve noticed fewer incidence of my eczema flaring up on my face. ⭐



Lastly, I’ve been more mindful of the food I eat. I’m trying to choose organic when I can, especially with fruits and veggies, to cut down on pesticides. 🍉🥕 I’m not perfect with this, as they get very expensive 🤑 but even making small changes feels like a step in the right direction. And I’ve become a bit obsessed with thoroughly washing my produce—there’s something satisfying about knowing it’s really clean and all you need is cool water! 💦 I also make it a habit to drink my ⚪ Oleia Softgels ⚪ to help reduce inflammation from toxins I have come into contact to and help my body deal with them as well. 😊



So, this is where I’m at so far. It’s not about making all the changes at once or doing everything perfectly, but more about finding what works and try sticking with it. 👊 Have you been in this journey yourself? I’d love to know what you’ve been doing too! 😊 Show me your bottle and I’ll show you mine? ‘Til next time! 🏡




xo L





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