A Closer Look: Omega 9 Fatty Acids 👀✨
A Closer Look: Omega 9 Fatty Acids 👀✨

Hey there! 🙌   I’m baaack! Are you considering adding the Oleia Oil Softgels to supplement your body now? 😝 Well I have another reason that it may be very beneficial to do so and these are 🥁🥁🥁 o...

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MUFAs: Our Secret Weapon Against Inflammation ⚔️🥑
MUFAs: Our Secret Weapon Against Inflammation ⚔️🥑

Hey there! 🙌   Remember when we delved into the intricate world of chronic inflammation together? Well, buckle up because we're about to embark on another journey into the realm of wellness! 🌱 T...

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Chronic Inflammation: Understanding the Body's Silent Struggle 🤫
Chronic Inflammation: Understanding the Body's Silent Struggle 🤫

Hey there! 😊   As someone who spends a fair amount of time on YouTube 🙈 watching health gurus and doctors discuss the latest wellness trends, chronic inflammation has become a buzzword that I ju...

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Rose Oil Deep Dive: Nature's Elixir for Health and Well-Being 🌹💞
Rose Oil Deep Dive: Nature's Elixir for Health and Well-Being 🌹💞

Hey there! 🌹   It’s a Rose Oil deep diiiiive! 🤿 As we all know, it's not just for poets and lovers anymore. While we've long celebrated the beauty and fragrance of roses, there's so much more to...

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Journey Through Aromatherapy: Healing Body and Mind with Oleia Oils 💜😌
Journey Through Aromatherapy: Healing Body and Mind with Oleia Oils 💜😌

Hey there! 😊 As I close my eyes and let the soothing scent of 🪻Oleia Lavender Oil🪻 envelop me, I can't help but wonder how this all works---how can aromatherapy (and essential oils!) be this effective to relax, soothe heada...

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Essential Harmony: The Power of Carrier Oils 🤍✨
Essential Harmony: The Power of Carrier Oils 🤍✨

Hey there! 👋 I’m in a phase of sometimes wanting to mix pure essential oils to create my own signature scent, I encountered a fundamental element that’s important as I do this though: Carrier oils. 🙌 These unsung heroes of ...

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Beat the Heat: It’s Getting Hotter, Folks! 🌞😓
Beat the Heat: It’s Getting Hotter, Folks! 🌞😓

Hey there! ☀️ It’s summer and the summer heat in the Philippines is no joke!  We’re beginning to feel that cloying, heavy feeling that summer brings and I’m not here for it. 😂 Oh Mr. Sun, sun please DON’T shine down on me. ...

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Peppermint Oil : The Cool Path to Luscious Locks? 🍃🧐
Peppermint Oil : The Cool Path to Luscious Locks? 🍃🧐

Hey there! 👱‍♀️ I recently stumbled upon an amazing find. It’s the link between peppermint oil and hair growth… I know… I know… me too. 🤯 Did they mean that my beloved 🍃Oleia Peppermint Oil🍃 has ANOTHER use?? That I could’v...

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Journey of Faith: A Filipino's Holy Week Reflections 🌟🙏
Journey of Faith: A Filipino's Holy Week Reflections 🌟🙏

Hey there! 🙏 We’re in the midst of observing Holy week there's a palpable sense of anticipation in the air that envelops the Philippines. ✨ For us, Filipinos, this week isn't just another seven ...

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Oil Pulling: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Oral Health ✨🪥
Oil Pulling: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Oral Health ✨🪥

Hey there! 😄 Have you ever tried oil pulling? I have! But not as religiously as I would like. 😅 For those who don’t know what oil pulling is, it’s a traditional folk remedy practiced in ancient ...

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