Getting Things Done

Getting Things Done - Oleia Oil

A lot of things happened within the past few weeks.  

Diane refrained from seeing friends.  She chose not to attend family affairs.  

She just felt like wanting to spend more time with herself.  She wanted solitude. She wanted peace.

Inwardly, though, she knew it was supposed to be temporary.   

Interestingly, Diane didn't have enough will and energy to get over the feeling.

Her best friend Mica got wind of her condition and decided to visit her.

"My life has been on autopilot", Diane confessed.

"I wake up in the morning, do my morning rituals and get back to bed if I don't have any deadlines to accomplish.", she continued.

Mica, a mindfulness coach, just listened to her and guided her through this process.


She advised Diane on 3 things:

  • Move your body even if you don't feel like it.
  • She guided Diane on a simple exercise that should be done every morning:  head to toe, 5 minutes daily.

  • Acknowledge your emotions.
  • Invalidating one's feeling may just suppress the emotions.  Acknowledgment starts the resolution.

  • Give yourself time.
  • Healing is a process.  It takes time. At one’s own pace, as long as there’s movement. Inch by inch, yes.  Stuck, no.


    Before she left, Mica handed over a bottle of Oleia Oil Tangerine to Diane.

    “This blend of essential oil helps improve one's mood.  See if it helps,” she whispered to Diane.

    Much like Oleia Lavender Oil, Oleia Tangerine has a calming effect, helps soothe agitated nerves, reduces tension, emotional imbalances, and helps alleviate mood swings and nervousness.

    A week later, Mica checked on Diane.

    "It's really great to have someone help you get up and get things done," said Diane.

    “Oleia gets one going,” Mica whispered and smiled.

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