Sweet Dreams: The Science Behind Baby Massages and Better Sleep! 🤱💤👨‍🍼

Sweet Dreams: The Science Behind Baby Massages and Better Sleep! 🤱💤👨‍🍼

Hey there! 😊

I’ve turned my interest this week into baby massages. 🤱 I mean, if it feels good for us adults, why not the little ones too, am I right? And apparently it really is a thing as I found a very informative study on it that was conducted last year! 🙌 Before I unveil what it says though, let’s go over some of the advantages of baby massages. And oooooh! There’re a lot! 🤩. It's not just about relaxation (albeit very important); it's a fantastic way to bond with your baby. Plus, it's a language both of you understand—touch!


During a massage, you're face-to-face with your baby, building that crucial connection through eye contact. 👀 This helps them pick up on your facial expressions and enhances their communication skills. But it's not just about bonding; there are actual developmental benefits too! Regular massages can aid in your baby's brain and nervous system development, reducing stress hormones and boosting those feel-good ones for better sleep. 😌

Now to the fun part, the study done to test the efficacy of massage as a nightly bedtime routine on infant sleep condition and mother sleep quality! (Phew! That’s a mouthful. 😝) The study, conducted on 140 infants aged 15-20 days old 👶, split the participants into two groups: one receiving bedtime massages as part of their nightly routine, while the other adhered to standard infant care practices. The results were illuminating. Infants who received massages displayed significant improvements in various sleep parameters, including reduced sleep latency, fewer night awakenings, and longer continuous sleep periods compared to their counterparts. 🤩


Furthermore, the study highlighted the positive effects of baby massages not only on infant sleep but also on maternal sleep quality. While overall differences in maternal sleep quality between the massage and control groups were not significant, there were notable improvements in the duration of maternal nighttime sleep and a reduction in maternal sleep disorders among those who practiced baby massages with their infants. 💞 Mommies (and daddies)---- more sleep! Such a win! 🤗💤


So there you have it, a more scientific approach to infant massages. Oh! And if you need to use a high quality, safe-for your baby’s skin oil, you know Oleia’s got you! 😉 ✨Oleia Chamomile Oil✨ is what mommies’ (and daddies) who use Oleia on their babies prefer. I hope you get to try with your baby too! Remember to patch test! 😊 If you want to read the study yourself link is below! 🧐  Show me your bottle and I’ll show you mine? ‘Til next time! 💋


xo L


👀: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1355184122001508

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