
您是否正在寻找一种自然的方式来支持您的身体、情感和心理健康?Oleia Oils 是一种独特的精油和滋养载体油混合物,旨在帮助您从内到外都感觉最佳。

✨ 舒缓和放松:我们精心制作的混合物可使您心灵平静,减轻压力,促进安宁的睡眠。
✨ 滋养您的皮肤:我们的油富含抗氧化剂和维生素,可深层滋润和恢复您的皮肤活力。
✨ 缓解不适:体验天然的抗炎功效,有助于缓解肌肉紧张、关节不适和皮肤刺激。

Oleia 混合精油将纯精油与橄榄油、石榴籽油、辣木籽油和初榨椰子油等滋养载体油相结合。

也有胶囊形式。Oleia Softgel 是一种膳食补充剂,含有强效抗炎营养素,有助于缓解肌肉疼痛和其他炎症状况。

Oleia Oil 是“即用型”的,有不同的版本可供选择:


Blended Essential Oils: Ready-to-Use


Oleia Lavender Oil-Oleia Oil Oleia Lavender Oil-Oleia Oil
欧莱雅薰衣草油 ₱190.00
Oleia Tangerine Oil-Oleia Oil Oleia Tangerine Oil-Oleia Oil
Oleia 橘子油 ₱190.00
Oleia Bulgarian Rose Oil-Oleia Oil Oleia Bulgarian Rose Oil-Oleia Oil
Oleia 保加利亚玫瑰精油 ₱240.00
What is the best oil for muscle pain? How can I relieve muscle pain naturally?
油橄榄薄荷油 ₱190.00
Oleia Chamomile Oil-Oleia Oil Oleia Chamomile Oil-Oleia Oil
油橄榄洋甘菊油 ₱190.00
Oleia Frankincense Oil-Oleia Oil Oleia Frankincense Oil-Oleia Oil
油橄榄乳香油 ₱190.00
Oleia Pure Oil (Unscented)-Oleia Oil Oleia Pure Oil (Unscented)-Oleia Oil
Oleia 纯油(无香) ₱190.00
Oleia Pure 无香精油是一款出色的载体油,可用于稀释您喜爱的精油。Oleia Pure 精油适合对精油敏感的儿童和孕妇。 含有橄榄油、石榴籽油、辣木籽油和VCO等天然成分。
Oleia Warm Mint Oil-Oleia Oil Oleia Warm Mint Oil-Oleia Oil
Oleia 温暖薄荷油 ₱190.00
Oleia Jasmine Oil-Oleia Oil Oleia Jasmine Oil-Oleia Oil
油橄榄茉莉油 ₱190.00

Oleia Blended Oils: What to Use and When

For Muscle Soreness:

  • Use Oleia Peppermint Oil for a cooling sensation that helps soothe sore muscles and reduce tension.
  • Oleia Warm Mint Oil provides a gentle warming effect to relax stiff joints and alleviate aches.
  • How to Use: Massage the oil onto the affected area using circular motions.
For Skin Irritation and Sensitive Skin:

  • Choose Oleia Chamomile Oil, known for its gentle, soothing properties that helps reduce redness, swelling, and itchiness.
  • For unscented care, Oleia Pure Oil is ideal for pregnant women, children, and anyone with super-sensitive skin.
  • Oleia Tangerine Oil helps lighten scars and moisturize rough, dry skin with its refreshing citrus scent.
  • How to Use: Apply directly to the irritated area in a circular motion.
    Repeat as needed for calming relief.
For Relaxation and Better Sleep

  • Oleia Lavender Oil is perfect for promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving sleep quality.
  • Try Oleia Jasmine Oil for emotional balance and a calming, uplifting scent that enhances your mood.
  • How to Use: Massage onto your temples, wrists, or neck, or add a few drops to your pillow before bedtime.
For Skincare and Anti-Aging

  • Use Oleia Bulgarian Rose Oil to hydrate and rejuvenate your skin, reduce fine lines, and leave you with a radiant glow.
  • Oleia Frankincense Oil supports skin health by improving elasticity, reducing blemishes, and evening out skin tone. Its rejuvenating properties make it perfect for daily skincare.
  • How to Use: Apply to your face and neck as part of your skincare routine, or use it on rough patches like elbows and heels.
How Often Should You Use Oleia Oils?

  • For Muscle Soreness: Apply 2-3 times daily or as needed.
  • For Skin Irritation: Use as often as necessary to soothe the affected area.
  • For Relaxation and Sleep: Use nightly or whenever you feel stressed.



珠宝Q 珠宝Q

“Oleia 精油帮助我解决了睡眠问题,还帮助我减轻了焦虑。我的孩子们也很喜欢它。他们总是要求我在他们睡觉前用他们最喜欢的 Oleia 洋甘菊精油给他们按摩。我也很喜欢橘子油,它可以防止我 3 岁孩子的划伤在她皮肤上留下痕迹,她也喜欢橘子油的味道。”

莎莉 莎莉

几个月来,我一直饱受肩部疼痛的折磨,Oleia 软胶囊和 Oleia 油终于缓解了我的肌腱炎。我现在不再疼痛,睡眠也更好了!

戴安娜·梅 戴安娜·梅

“感谢 Oleia,我们现在可以通过在家享受水疗般的按摩治疗来拥有更健康的生活方式!我最喜欢的 Oleia 精油是薰衣草油。它可以帮助我在劳累一天后感到平静和放松。我也用它来按摩我的家人,让他们睡得更舒服。很高兴知道这些精油对孩子很友好!我用它来按摩我孩子的背部,这样他就可以安然入睡。妈妈们确实认可全家使用!”

雪莉 雪莉

我的左乳房有肿块已有近 2 年了。服用 Oleia 软胶囊并使用 Oleia 外用油后,肿块在一个月内消失了。我会继续使用它来改善整体健康。

诺维格 诺维格

“我的孩子在上完一整天的在线课程后有时会感到压力很大,而且由于疫情,学习压力更大。这就是为什么我很高兴使用 Oleia 精油,因为它可以让他们放松,让他们早早睡下。每次我使用这种 Oleia 精油,我们都会放松下来。是的,它还可以去除昆虫叮咬!Oleia 精油是植物性的,所以它不会伤害我们的皮肤,全家都可以安全使用。”

福尔图纳博士 福尔图纳博士

对于手术前后乳房有问题的患者来说,Oleia Softgel 是一种很好的消炎/止痛药。我还向肌肉痉挛和运动损伤患者推荐它。
